Radiation Incidents

All civil and military facilities working with or transporting ionising radiation pose some risk, however remote, to the general public. And as such, a radiation emergency could occur anywhere in Somerset.

To make sure that the likelihood of an incident remains very low, stringent licence conditions control its use, while safety regulations ensure that appropriate emergency plans are in place and the public are:

  • Properly informed and prepared in advance about what to do in the unlikely event of a radiation emergency occurring, and
  • Provided with information if there is a radiation emergency.

These regulations are a legal requirement and we work closely with site operators, emergency services and partner agencies to meet them, with the delivery of appropriate plans and arrangements.

You can find more information, advice and guidance about nuclear emergencies, from Public Health England in the ‘Information and Resources’ section of this page.

Hinkley Point

The following arrangements are in place for local residents living within 3.5km of the Hinkley Point B station.

Off-site Emergency Plan

Arrangements that are to be followed by emergency responders if they are addressing the consequences of an incident at the site are detailed in an ‘Off-Site Emergency Plan’. This is regularly reviewed and tested by all agencies involved to make sure it is up to date and fit for purpose.

Somerset County Council, in conjunction with West Somerset Council and Sedgemoor District Council, are responsible for the maintenance of these arrangements in accordance with Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Iinformation) Regulations 2001 (REPPIR)

Emergency Information Calendar

This calendar contains important emergency actions, information and advice relevant to people living close to the site. It is distributed every year and is free of charge.

Stable Iodine Tablets

Faults at operating nuclear reactors can release radioactive forms of iodine which can lead to radiation doses to the thyroid gland. This gland is found in the neck and concentrates iodine within the body.

When taken, the tablets release stable iodine directly to the thyroid gland, thus preventing any accumulation of radioactive iodine. The tablets are highly effective if taken within a few hours of exposure to radioactive iodine.

These tablets are pre-distributed free of charge and replaced when the ‘use by’ date approaches. If wider distribution is required in the event of an emergency, this will be conducted in accordance with local arrangements.

Top tips!

  • If you are new to the area or can’t find your calendar or tablets, you can get replacements through the Stogursey Parish Clerk, Stogursey Post Office or by contacting us.

See our Get Prepared information about preparing for emergencies at home, in your community and at work.