Utility Failure

Power cut? Call 105
Smell Gas or suspect a leak? Open doors and windows and call 0800 111 999  

Utility failure can occur independently or as a consequence of other incidents such as fire or flooding. The impacts of losing electricity, gas, phone or water supply can be significant, and people who are not normally considered vulnerable can soon become so.

Top tips!

  • Have a range of phones available such as a mobile phone and a landline that doesn’t need electricity
  • Keep a battery/solar charger handy so that you can recharge your smart phone
  • Note down emergency contact numbers for your service providers
  • Keep a torch handy and avoid using candles or paraffin heaters
  • Check if your service providers offer priority schemes to support vulnerable people in the event of disruptions
  • Follow updates on social media and utilities websites

See our Get Prepared advice for information on preparing for emergencies at home, in your community and in your work place.