Somerset Emergency Community Contacts – Are You Signed Up?

Somerset Emergency Community Contacts – Are You Signed Up?

Somerset Emergency Community Contacts are individuals identified by their local Parish or Town Council to be a point of contact in an emergency.

Past incidents identified that some communities were unsure who to contact for help and that responding agencies would have benefited from some valuable local knowledge. To address this the Somerset Local Authorities’ Civil Contingencies Partnership invited Parish and Town Councils to nominate local people to act as a point of contact for them.

This scheme is now entering its third year and has grown to cover approximately 100 communities across Somerset. Whilst this is an excellent take up we’re always on the lookout for more.

The main roles for a Somerset Emergency Community Contact are:

  • To be a point of contact between Parish/Town Councils and responding agencies;
  • To liaise with local groups such as neighbourhood watch, emergency groups and flood wardens; and
  • To convey appropriate local knowledge of the area and its residents to assist responders

If this sounds like a role you’d be interested in or you’d like to know more about what’s in place in your area, get in touch! We’d be glad to give you some more information and have you on board with the scheme.

You can contact us using the handy form here.
