Have you been impacted by flooding?

Have you been impacted by flooding?

SWIM is a straightforward, web-based system which allows Members of the Public, Flood Wardens and Flood Risk Management Authorities to enter details about property flooding in one place. The system can be a used to aid multiple agencies in their combined response to flooding both during an event and after.

Information about flooding can provide the evidence needed to support funding applications to deliver a range of mitigation measures to reduce flood risk.

During an flood record point, SWIM can be used to inform decision makers and provide an overall picture of what problems exists over a geographical area. This helps agencies better prioritise assistance both during and after an event. View the website here.

Flood information held by the Lead Local Flood Authority is securely stored and fully compliant with data legislation, and this is strictly not shared or sold to third parties, including insurance companies.

For more information on what to do in a flood event visit our Flooding advice page.

